Our Values

Our Pastors

Pastor Brian and Alicia, along with their 6 kids, and 22 willing people planted VIVE in September of 2018. 5 years later it's been an incredible story seeing what God continues to do to impact our generation. With over 25 years of ministry experience, our pastors continue to lead with the same passion and urgency to share the hope of the gospel as authentically as they can.

The Vision of VIVE Culture Church from the beginning was to be a truly multi-ethnic, inter-generational mission-shaped community birthed out of the very heart of God. VIVE, which means, 'to live', is what we see throughout the Scriptures as we are awakened to the reality that God is all about God's glory, and when we come alive in Christ, we are now woven back into His story and exist for Him alone. We have given God His life back to now radically live out the heart of God in our city and world as we are being prepared for eternity.